Maybe I haven't paid close attention, but before I got pregnant, I only knew about a few typical symptoms of early pregnancy. There's morning sickness, of course -- which I knew didn't have to be limited to mornings, and didn't necessarily have to end after the first trimester. And then I knew your boobs got bigger and very sensitive. And I knew that during the first trimester, women tend to be very tired in the afternoons.
Well, I got incredibly lucky with the morning sickness -- I had 3 or 4 incidents where, out of the blue, I would suddenly think I might throw up, but after a minute or two of some serious burping, I would be fine. But my mom didn't have any morning sickness when she was pregnant with my sister, and I tend to take after her when it comes to women stuff, so I had been prepared for that. My boobs didn't get a lot bigger, but they were definitely sore. And I sure did want a nap in the afternoons!
But there are a bunch of other symptoms that no one warned me about. In fact, in some cases, I wouldn't have even known they were connected to my pregnancy if it wasn't for my copy of What to Expect When You're Expecting.
I knew that you needed to stay hydrated during your first trimester, but I had no idea how thirsty I would be all the time! It got to the point where I made sure to walk around with a water bottle in my hand at all times, so I wouldn't be constantly looking for a water fountain. I looked like some kind of eco-conscious fitness fanatic.
Yeah, it seems like a logical conclusion that, if you are drinking all the time, you will be peeing all the time. But I seemed to be peeing out twice as much as I was putting in! I expected to have a tiny tank at the end of my pregnancy, but not at the beginning.
Yup, not only would I look like a water buffalo soon, I get to start smelling like one right away.
Stuffy Nose and Nosebleeds
Considering the time of year, I started thinking I had a cold, but a very mild one. Then I noticed it seemed worse in bed, so I thought maybe it was allergies. Then when I'd blow my nose in the shower in the morning, I'd often see a spot of blood, which is really strange for me -- I have never had a full-blown nosebleed in my life. Turns out, all my mucous membranes are swelling and softening right now, as my cervix starts prepping for this kid to get here. It's bad enough when my nose decides to get involved when I eat spicy food -- now it's got to try copying my cervix, too?
Popping Ears
Even though T has a CPAP machine now, I am still in the habit of wearing earplugs every night. I noticed that one of my ears started making popping noises when I would yawn or swallow. I worried that it was an ear infection, but there was no pain or pressure. Shouldn't have worried -- apparently, my eustacian tubes are trying to copy my nose and cervix. Not very original.
Being a Klutz
I had heard of pregnancy brain, but not pregnancy hands. I find myself dropping things more often than usual, which should mean that my reflexes are bad, but somehow, I can often catch them as they are falling. So I'm like some kind of klutzy Catwoman.
The Dreams
I had heard of pregnant women having strange sex dreams, but I wasn't prepared for the fact that ALL of my dreams have been weird. I'm someone who has a lot of vivid dreams to begin with, and I tend to look to them to see what is stewing around in my subconscious. But these days, I just assume that my subconscious is playing Mad Libs, because nothing makes sense to me.
Did you have any other unexpected symptoms when you were pregnant?
Who's writing...

- tiff_tut
- North Salt Lake, Utah, United States
- I'm a woman with degrees in creative writing and cultural anthropology, experience in retail sales, merchant processing, teaching English as a foreign language, and archaeology, who teaches writing and computer classes at a local college, and works for a herpetology society. I also like to read, cook, knit, watch movies, make baskets, take photographs, craft, travel, and blog. I currently live in Utah with my husband, T, and our two dogs. Oh, and I'm a Cancer, which explains the crab thing.
All I remember about the first trimester was sitting in my office for two months, staring blankly into the corner and trying not to drool. I was very tired and my brain quit working...perhaps hasn't started working back up again yet.
ReplyDeleteSo happy for you my dear. All the discomfort and misery is definitely worth it.